Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Huldra named "Bergenette"

Today, we finally had some small drizzling "rain" if you want to call it that. Those around me shake their heads and shush me when I openly hope for some serious rain, because they have been in bliss for this past two and half weeks of drying (freezing) out. But, hey! This is the reason I CAME here in the see if I can stand the rain, the cold, etc.!!!! How will I ever know how I can love Bergen if I don't see under her skirt? Immediately, I am taken back to a summer a few years ago when I took the cog train from Flam to the top of some mountain in order to then hike for awhile in the mountains, and along the way, we did the touristy stop by this waterfall so the "Huldra" could come out and sing, and we learned the folklore of this creature. Of course, I had to snap a photo (above). Following is a brief description of the story:

"In Norwegian popular belief, „Huldra” is a supernatural female creature with a cow’s tail, known best for her attempts to lure young men travelling through the woods, where she resides. Our conception of Huldra is mostly influenced by the illustrations drawn by sketchers and painters during the years, and that often focus on the erotic Huldra; the woman who seduces and tempts. In the old stories, however, the wood nymphs have several other aspects: They help and punish, set limits, make trouble for people or generously endow valuable gifts. Moreover, they embellish life with dance and music. The wood nymphs are portrayed as supernatural or abnormal creatures; they are „the other”, people’s invisible proponents or opponents. But they can also become visible for those who have the ability to see." (Skjelbred, Ann Helene Bolstad)

Further reading on other sites revealed that often, she would tempt men into the woods, or into the streams, and convince them to marry her, whereupon, she would turn into some ugly woman, and he would be stuck with her forever. All masogynistic references aside, and leaving out the part about the cow's tail (wtf is THAT all about?), it struck me that this is precisely how Bergen is behaving right now.

She is luring me in, deeper and deeper, with her soft, supple snow....the sweet music of her wind through the trees, her temperamental yet endearing weather changes, the way she wears her colorful buildings, the easy-going pace of her life (granted, I'm not working), the way she looks pregnant with the new life to come in the spring...because of all the......RAIN, that we're not having.

I am deeply afraid that she will lure me in completely, and when/if I move here, the rain will start to fall, endlessly, and all her beauty will be washed away along with my dreams of a match made in heaven. People tell me that this will not happen. That she is still beautiful. that a cow's tail I see under their coats? Is that why everyone wears these long coats?

Here are some photos of the Huldra I like to call Bergenette. I am one step on the shore, one step in the water....and she is singing so sweetly....

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